Get Your Ticket Right Here for Blog Candy!

Get your tickets out ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for another sneak peak of new product coming January 3, 2013!  That date is special because it’s my cousin’s birthday!  In case it rains next week, my cousin will be guaranteed a bright sunny day by the Designer Series Paper Patterns Stack – Subtles Collection because the entire paper stack is perfect to brighten a cloudy rainy day.  Lately I have used the Daffodil Delight Seam Binding Ribbon so much that I’m going to submit another order.

Don’t forget that new items have been added to the Clearance Rack.  Click HERE to check them out!  When I first learned about Stampin’ Up! I hit the clearance rack to help me build up my supplies. Then I learned about the Discounts & Benefits and I’m so glad I read up on it!

The card sketch was influenced by the Deconstructed sketch no. 82 to create my ticket to a sunny birthday.  I just discovered it and I have a feeling I will be submitting more sketches in 2013.

Thank you for visiting me today. I am humbled that you stopped by for a visit and in the same way waiters enjoy tips… I enjoy reading your lovely comments.

PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT:  Tell me if you’ve made any New Year’s Resolutions?  One of my resolutions is to manage my full-time career, family, and blog, so I can maximize my card making time.  Along with taking courses for a possible promotion, it has become easier to enter card sketch challenges.  It really helps with the time I have available to make cards.

Something else I’ve been thinking about…. does it make a difference to you if the products used to make the card are not listed?

BLOG CANDY GIVE-A-WAY:  To thank you, I have blog candy to give away, see below. I hope to announce a winner on New Year’s Day.  Will you help me?

Blog Candy Contents:
Comfort Cafe Designer Series Paper
Retired Clear Mount Triple Treat Flower (Clear Block Not Included)
Whisper White 1/4″ Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon

Reverse side of paper.  Go on leave your comment for a chance to win this Blog Candy.

About Maggie

I'm a Graphic Art Designer and Greeting Card Maker. It's a form of therapy and I love what I do, so I never have to work a day in my life. It's my win-win situation after a 25-year Air Force career as a hospital administrator.


  1. My 2013 goal: No GMOs…be happy and healthy 🙂

  2. Love your candy, happy new year

  3. My New Year’s resolution is to be faithful in sending birthday cards to all my family members.

  4. I enjoyed your Christmas card series very much and look forward to your great ideas for 2013.

  5. Balance is a great way to start the new year. I also plan to dedicate more time for me! Whether it be stamping, crafting, photography or just simple relaxation.

  6. Well, I too am working on balance in my life. My plan is to not continue working 50+ hours a week and spend more time doing enjoyable things. Crafting, spending time with my grandchildren and going to the Y more often. I hope you have a healthy, happy and prosperous 2013..

  7. I love the cards you make, and yes I like the products listed even if you don’t use Stampin up products. I mainly us SU products but sometimes use an item that is not, so its nice to know where that item is from. Thanks to my daughter, I am now doing hot yoga and have learned to relax in this busy world we live in. Even though I am retired my life is as busy or busier than it was when I worked! So I believe it is going to be a great 2013 with my SU business!

  8. My New Year resolution is to be a better organizer with my crafts. Happy New Year!

  9. I read your blog everyday and love your cards. I like having a list of products so if I want to re-create the card I know what products to use. My resolution is to manage my time better so that I am not scrambling at the last minute trying to make a card for an occasion I have known about for weeks. Thanks for a chance to win.

  10. I love your cards and always appreciate a list of the materials used to make a card. Thank you for the blog candy offer. Best wishes for the new year!

  11. I love this card and all of your ideas. Thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to 2013 and can’t wait to start using all of the new things from SU. I just joined as a demo and look forward to my new adventure.

  12. I so enjoy your daily posts and don’t know where you find the time…but so glad you do! Product lists I think are essential to both you and us. When I see “eye candy” anywhere, the first thing I do is look to see who made it (manufacturer) and how I can get my hands on one for myself. If I see a card that I absolutely love that you made and want to duplicate that myself, I am certainly going to want to know the products you used so that all I have to do is say, “Maggie, I need to order all the items listed to duplicate 50 of those cards.” Or even if it’s just one punch or paper color…it makes ALL the difference in a purchase or page turner for me. Thanks for asking! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  13. Your cousin is sure to love the beautiful sunny birthday card! In answer to a few of your questions for Blog Candy, I try not to make resolutions so that I don’t feel badly by not keeping them….but I do want to push myself farther in my card making – doing it more often and try to stay ahead of not making a card last minute or late….and trying more new techniques that I think might be too difficult! Yes, it is easier to have a list of all items used to create your cards…. Thank you and Happy New Year!

  14. Thanks for the sneak peeks – today’s is beautiful, but I will be very happy with the give away papers!

  15. I personally like to see all the products listed but I do not have a blog and can imagine that it takes quite a bit of extra time to do that. I appreciate all you bloggers that share your ideas and talents with us regularly. I have over 100 blogs on my google reader, including yours!!! Thanks!!

  16. I enjoy seeing your wonderful card ideas! Gives me inspiration! My resolution is to have the card ready before the day it has to be in the mail!

  17. Beautiful and amazing cards Maggie! You have an outstanding talent for this and I see success written all over it! <3 you lots!

  18. I really enjoy your site. I know it is probably more time consuming to list all the products you use to make the card or project; I think it would be more appealing to have them listed if you have the time. I’m relatively new to S.U. so I am still learning a lot. Thank you for the opportunity to win blog candy!

  19. Your card is beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win your generous blog candy!

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